About Us

We inform, help and support the clinicians and patients with an interest in sleep, headache and respiratory therapy.

The Sleep and Respiratory Scholar is a California based clinician and patient blog founded in 2011 by Randy Clare. our editorial plan is simple, if we hear something cool in the area of sleep headache or respiratory or that needs explaining, we write about it.

The Sleep and Respiratory Scholar is the go-to resource for information on sleep, headache and respiratory therapy. Our mission is to inform, help and support clinicians and patients with an interest in these areas. We provide clinical updates, patient stories and resources to make life easier for those living with or treating sleep disorders, headaches or respiratory conditions. With a witty tone and approachable style, we make complex information easy to understand. Join the conversation at SleepandRespiratoryScholar.com.

About the Author

Randy Clare

Meet Randy Clare, a seasoned sales and marketing professional hailing from Orange County, California. With more than 25 years of experience under his belt, Randy is recognized by many as a subject matter expert in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of common health issues, including snoring, sleep apnea, headaches, and breathing disorders.

Randy’s extensive background in sales and marketing has helped him to develop a unique perspective on patient care that puts the individual at the center of the treatment process. He understands that every patient is different and works closely with them to develop personalized treatment plans that meet their specific needs.

If you’re struggling with snoring, sleep apnea, headaches, or other breathing disorders, Randy is here to help. With his wealth of experience and patient-centered approach, his blog posts can provide you with some answers that you need to breathe easier and enjoy a better quality of life. So why not reach out to Randy today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

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Our Contributors.

Picture of John Doe

John Doe


Picture of John Doe

John Doe


Picture of John Doe

John Doe


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